The portrait of Séverine

Séverine KIEFFER, Nuclear Processes Technical Leader, shares with us her experience at EKIUM.

Discover her career path. 

Three words that define your business ? 

Diversity, challenge and continuous improvement. 

What do you like about your job ? 

What I like is to work on various projects, all of which have the objective of improving everything that contributes to the operation of this low-carbon energy that is nuclear, in order to ensure its continued performance over time while respecting the fundamental principles of safety and security. 


Describe your career path.

My career path is a bit atypical in the world of engineering because after obtaining my engineering degree in process engineering, I started my professional career by obtaining my doctorate after three years of research in collaboration with Areva Mines

Your feeling at EKIUM ?

I pursued research at the IRNS (Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety) and although I had a research background, EKIUM trusted me and allowed me to work with the DNPDEE (Division of Nuclear Park, Decommissioning and Environment Engineering) of EDF on various projects

How would you describe the nuclear sector ?

I believe in the low-carbon energy that is nuclear power, which I think has a future.

Your best memory in this profession ? 

My best memory goes back to the period when I was a PhD student at the CEA. I went with a small AREVA team to a mini site in Kazakhstan to test our new process directly on site for a month. This allowed me to see the reality of the field