In 1990, they are four friends, start working in the fields of instrumentation, electricity and automatism for Industry. Since then, 2 500 employees have shared this entrepreneurial adventure. In the space of 30 years, the Lyon-based automation and instrumentation company has become a multi-trade engineering and automation company serving process industries on a national and international scale.
Since 2017, our reference shareholder has been the SNEF Group, a solid and independent French company for 115 years.
2024Integration of Sofresid Engineering and the FIVA Group
2022Opening of an entity in Bristol (UK) Integration of engineering company CPQ (Barcelona) and SOFSID
2021Creation of a centre of expertise for processes, chemicals, oil & gas.
2018Integration of Air Consult Engineering (Belgium), ATEIM (Dunkirk), DI Ingénierie (Valenciennes) and Chleq Froté (Paris)
2017The SNEF Group becomes the reference shareholder
2015Integration of Ekium AMIO (Africa Middle east Indian Ocean
2008Creation of the Ekium brand
2007The investment fund Platina Participations becomes the reference shareholder
1990Creation of Cira Concept
Key Figures
Solid financial results
Evolution of the workforce and turnover

Turnover extended by activity

A Safety & Quality culture
Our teams are continually mobilized to ensure the reliability of our interventions thanks to shared vigilance.
Frequency rate 1
Talks per year
Frequency rate 2
On-site HSE visits
Data for the year 2023
Severity rate
Risk situations reported
Data for the year 2019
The QHSE Department oversees Ekium’s quality-safety-radiological protection organisation. It is made up of a section dedicated to strategy, working directly with General Management, and a section dedicated to operational support, working directly with Regional and Agency Management.
The Ekium organisation is certified according to various standards, including :
- MASE (Rhône-Alpes, Méditerranée, Normandie, Hauts de France), except for the NAVAL engineering activity.
- ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 19443 for sites listed on current certificates (Approval Certificates 2023/106311.1, 2023/106310.1 et 2024/111066.1)
All our certificates are available on request.
The Ekium engineering and automation company is organised into Operations Departments, Regions and Agencies to carry out the projects entrusted to us by our customers. Cross-functional players and partners in Operations contribute to the success of projects: Sales Management, Human Resources Management, Administrative and Financial Management and Quality-Health-Safety-Environment-Radioprotection (QHSE) Management.
The roles, duties, responsibilities and powers associated with management functions are set out in a formal job description and/or mission statemen
A Culture Driven by Innovation
- The digitalization of processes: production, maintenance, quality
- A digital twin concierge service from design to operation/maintenance
- Production performance monitoring is carried out by a 100% cloud solution
- An interactive training solution based on augmented and virtual reality
- Artificial intelligence to control and improve productivity

Digital Workshop
Events per year
Visitors per year

In collaboration with EDF, we have developed a solution to improve the performance and efficiency of integrated safety systems for fire fighting. A patent has been filed, this solution is intended to be produced on a large scale.
Corporate Social
Responsibility & Compliance
Corporate Social Responsibility

It applies to our economic relations with our partners, as well as to our structures, through the ethical management of our resources. We build career paths adapted to each individual, so as to meet individual and collective needs. We have set up a listening and advisory unit to support employees in their efforts or questions related to disability.
We protect the health of our teams and ensure well-being in the professional environment by applying a system for the prevention and treatment of psychosocial risks developed with our staff representative bodies and occupational medicine.
To be consistent with its CSR policy and its commitment to society, Ekium is committed to responsible purchasing. To this end, we include CSR selection criteria in our purchasing decisions and in our choice of suppliers, subcontractors and service providers.

Aware of the desire of the younger generation to take action against climate change, engineering companies are initiating an unprecedented collective approach and are adopting a climate charter.
Ethics & Compliance

“Since its foundation, honesty, integrity, risk management, loyalty and respect for the rules of free competition and the rejection of corruption have been values constantly applied by the Snef Group as part of its governance of actions and behaviour.
These values have been built up over time and form the culture of the company. We pass them on internally in our management principles and externally in our relationships with our partners[…]”.
Extract from the editorial of the SNEF Group Code of Conduct, by Stéphane CORTEEL, Managing Director.
In order to meet its legal obligations to combat corruption and anti-competitive practices, the SNEF Group has set up a system to combat corruption and anti-competitive practices based on :
- Conflicts of interest
- Sponsoring & Patronage
- Gifts & invitations
- Sales agents
- Countries, companies and individuals under international sanctions
- Alert system.
Like all Snef Group subsidiaries, Ekium applies this system and is committed in its CSR policy to :
- Refuse any order of a discriminatory nature
- Not promising money or other benefits to our stakeholders
- Control the risks of our business through our Integrated Management System (IMS) and our steering committees
- Apply our responsible purchasing policy