Impact study
- Analysis of the initial state
- Analysis of direct or indirect effects on the environment (water and air emissions, noise, waste, energy, health impact, etc.)
- Verification of the compatibility of the project with the plans, schemes and programs (water, noise, air, waste, etc.)
- Impact reduction measures
- Justification of the choices
- Post-Operation Reclamation Measures
Administrative context
- Operation of the installation and its equipment,
- Presentation, financial and technical capacity of the operator,
- Applicable regulations, ICPE nomenclature, plans and maps,
Study of hazards
- Identification, characterization and reduction of hazard potentials - Consideration of internal and external accidentology
- Risk assessment (preliminary and detailed) using adapted methodologies such as HAZOP, APR, AMDEC, LOPA, and scenario selection
- Scenario effects modeling: Phast, Effects, Flumilog, TNO Yellow Book, ISO Engineering spreadsheets, etc.
- Risk reduction
- Characterization and classification of the different phenomena
- Justification of the confidence level of the barriers (SIL level) - Mapping of the effects