Key figures

Years of collaboration with CEA Valduc.
M€ of turnover

Who we are

Dijon site works with various local players such as the CEA, SOLVAY and FRAMATOME. Several markets have led to project management assistance, automation implementation and applicationmanagement development.
Engineering is based on skills in general installation, ventilation, high-voltage electricity, low-voltage electricity and control-command.
Ekium offers its expertise and know-how to the Center-East industries in the fields of IT, industrial computing, automation, laboratory robotics and maintenance.

François Veillon

Responsable d'agence


Project Management Assistant – Follow-up of studies and works on the ventilation and fluids market.

Approval of the execution studies, management of the execution of the works, assistance with acceptance operations.
Expertise: nuclear ventilation, air treatment, special and thermal fluids.


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Engineering mission relating to the field of high voltage.

Surveys – Diagnosis – Compliance report.
Expertise : High voltage
Duration : 12 months


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Securing the vertical mobiles of the radioactive waste storage centre, located at a depth of more than 500 m.

Modernization of the control system and replacement of the safety PLCs.


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Realization of the Personnel Security System (PSS) and Access Control (AC).


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Martigues en images

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