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Who we are

The Saint-Paul-lez-Durance site works with various local players such as the CEA, TechnicAtome and ITER. Several markets have enabled the development of AMOa, project management, control command and control and third-party application maintenance activities.
The Design Office relies on skills in Civil Engineering, Metal Framework, General Installation, High Current Electricity, Low Current Electricity, Control Command and Lightning.
Nicolas Augier
manager agency

Third Party Application Maintenance for CEA CADARACHE’s control-command applications.
CEA Cadarache wanted to entrust the maintenance of its control-command applications to a company.
Within the framework of this service, we are involved in 4 areas: corrective maintenance, evolutionary maintenance, software upgrades and operational support.
Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (13)

The contracting authority (Fusion for Energy) wanted to entrust an engineering firm with the verification of several so-called conventional buildings.
Ekium carried out the structural verification of several conventional steel-framed buildings of the INB ITER by calculation from existing models or on the basis of plans.
Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (13)

Jules Horowitz Cadarache Reactor and TECHNICATOME.
EKIUM has been involved in the RJH project since 2012, both on the project management side for control-command, low currents and lightning, and on the project management side for control-command and radiation protection. We have also collaborated on the experimental systems side with the drafting of qualification protocols for control and command.
Réacteur Jules Horowitz Cadarache et Technicatome
saint-paul-lez-durance (13)

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